Best Online Casinos Payment Methods ✔️
How To Guides
The world's leading e-wallets providers

One of the main concerns of people new to online casinos, is about money transfers from and to the chosen company they have decided to start playing with; If this is the case, just don't worry and keep reading a little further.
Unless you live in a remote country (do they still exist ?) quite surely you can use and rely on the most advanced method used by players worldwide and made available by virtually 99% of online casinos and not only by them, which is the so called "Electronic wallets" or "Digital Wallets".
By doing so, you avoid giving your banking card number and related details to the online casino or trader you deal with.
Electronic wallets are simply the easiest, fastest and most economical service now available worldwide to transfer and receive money online, without going to your bank, post office and so on. Instead, you can simply seat in front or your computer or mobile device and that's it, in a couple of minutes you can tranfer funds from and to any country. It is fairly easy and free to sign up to open an account to this kind of service and you just need to have an email address.
The same applies if you need to transfer funds to or from a friend or relative who lives in another country different from where you live. You just need to have their email address to be able to make money transfers.
Although a digital wallet is free for consumers, vendors charge merchants for this service. In fact, we see a plethora of digital wallets widspreading in internet and made available as payment method in more and more websites that are selling goods and services.
Statistics say that up to 25% of online shoppers abandon their order due to frustration in filling in forms. The digital wallet combats this problem by giving users the option to transfer their information securely and accurately. This simplified approach to completing transactions results in better usability and ultimately more utility for the customer.
Without forcing you to make a long and extenuating research into internet about all the e-wallets available out there, we can simply suggest you to visit the two world's leaders in this sector being: SKRILL and NETELLER. Both companies are based in London, Great Britain and are regulated by the FCA Financial Conduct Authority.